Kristo Mary Michael Maggy Charles Immortality Lodge

Kristo Mary Michael Maggy Charles Immortality Lodge
davidic michaelian gabrielian

maandag 3 februari 2020

Nostradamus and Chyren ....

The great Chyren will be the Chief of the World,

after "Plus oultre" loved, feared and dreaded.
His fame and praise go beyond the heavens
and he will be greatly satisfied with the sole title of victor - VI.70

Of Trojan blood he will be born with a German heart
and will rise to a very great power.
He will drive out the foreign, Arabic nation and return the Church to her early glory - V.74

Selin king, Italy peaceful, kingdoms
united by the Christian King of the World.
When he dies he will want to lie in Blois territory, having chased the pirates from the sea - IV.77

The great man led captive from a foreign land,
chained in gold, offered to King CHYREN.
He who in Ausonia, Milan will lose the war
and all his army put to fire and sword - IV.34

The king of Europe will come like a griffon,
accompanied by those of the North;
he will lead a great troop of red and white,
they will go against the king of Babylon - X.80

Under the colour of the marriage treaty,

a magnanimous act by the 'Chyren Selin' :
St. Quintin and Arras recovered on the journey;
By the Spanish a second butcher's bench is made. - VIII.54

The French Pope, who is contemporary to Chiren is also mentioned in his prophecies -
Not from Spain but from ancient France will he be elected for the trembling Ship. He will make a promise to the enemy who will cause great plague during his reign - V.49
During this time there will also be a schism in the Vatican with an Anti-Pope challenging the Pope for the Papal seat -
By the appearance of the fake holiness, the seat will be betrayed to the enemies, in the night when they thought to sleep safely; the people of Liege will march near Brabant - VI.30
The Papal seat will be moved away from Rome and the major powers will recognize this seat -
Through the powers of three temporal kings, the sacred seat will be put in another place, where the substance of the body and the spirit will be restored and received as the true seat - VIII.99

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